Friday, 1 October 2010

01 Oct '10

Another carbon copy day, food-wise.  As long as the stuff is good (and that chicken was fabulous!), I don't mind left-overs.  My grandma would be so proud :-)  I wouldn't touch left-overs as a kid.

A couple of things of note:  Today was first Friday, so our management always gets pizza for the crews.  I didn't even go near the table with the pizza--never even opened a box.  Yeah, me!  And I also successfully avoided the snack table!  I very quickly ran off and got my salad (plus another one for tomorrow since they don'tput out the salad bar on the week-ends) and had that with those lovely prawns.  I had my raspberries and yogurt right near shift change so I wouldn't me hungry when I stopped by the commissary.  If you're reading this in the UK and haven't tried the Muller Light Orange yogurt with dark chocolate sprinkles, you're missing a treat.  That stuff is awesome!

Ran by the commissary and picked up brocolli, cherry tomatoes, boccocchini (or however it's spelled--little bite-sized balls of mozzarella), basil, a jar of queso (don't panic, more about that in a minute!), salad dressing and a box of tissues for work since those cheap things they provide just about sandpaper my nose off my face.

Riverford Farms came through for me and put a 3-pack of (normal-sized vice shoe-sized) baking potatoes in my veggie box.  Yippee!  This was the first time I'd tried to change my order and I had to leave a message, so I didn't know what to expect.  Anyway, I'm going to bake the potaoes, then have 1 with some steamed brocolli, some salsa and 2 tablespoons of queso.  It's very tasty and as long as I don't go nuts with the queso, a nice healthy alternative.  The potato is healthy (and there's not butter or sour cream, which is usually what messes you up with a baked potato), the brocolli is healthy, the salsa is healthy and only 10-20 calories and the queso is only 40 calories for 2 T--what's not to like?!  I'll have 1 tomorrow night and then the other 2 for my first 2 (of 6) mid shifts next week.

I'm off to do my stretches and read a chapter or 2 before I go to sleep.

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