Thursday, 26 July 2012

26 July 2012

Still 63 lbs down but feeling great!  First day back to work after a 5-day break and I so did not want to get up this morning.  But I survived--and didn't even doze off once :-)  Major accomplishment!  It's all about setting your goals low enough.

I had a lovely massage after work tonight and now it's bedtime!  Zzzzzzz!

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh when I saw this note about setting your goals low enough. LOL and LOL really. Love that/ You have inspired me to get back on track. Im sorry I havent always made comments on a lot of the posts but mainly thats because im such a lousy typist and it takes me forever to send an email One of these days I should send one as I type it and you'll see what I mean I have to go through and make a million corrections. Anyway I do read your blog and as always Im amazed and impressed Continue to do well. I have told my brother in law ( before he was on the vent) and sister in law about how well yo are doing. John is still in the hosp now Gottta run Lots of Love Linee
