Saturday, 14 July 2012

14 July 2012

Still 58 lbs.  It's a lazy week-end so far, which actually feels pretty good.  I guess tomorrow I'll get seious and do some laundry, but for today it was reading and napping--and getting the last of the bookings sorted for the trip to France early next month. 

It's the overnight ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge (because the roads on the Continent are better than the roads in the UK), a week in a self-catering cottage between Cherbourg and Bayeux, the Chunnel from Calais to Folkestone and a night at the Mermaid Inn in Rye.  Will this finally be the trip that I'm motivated enough for the hike out to Camber Castle?!

Why is it you never see the spelling errors until after you hit the publish button--and then they scream off the page at you?

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