Wednesday, 1 August 2012

01 August 2012

Woo Hoo!!  Down another lb for 65 lbs lost!

Took the car in for its 50,000 mile service.  Ugh!  That was an expensive trip!  I thought it was going to be about L125 but it turns out I needed new front AND rear brake pads (L114/pair) so it was almost L400.  Bummer!  But the car is ready for the trip to France, so that's the important part.  The roads here are so hard on brakes and tires!!

I finally gave up and turned the heat back on--because it's cold and damp and because I want my shirts to dry in a reasonable amount of time.  I don't really like to pack damp clothes :-)

I went downtown to change some Euros; I would have done it on post but--since I had Sterling--those cheap b@$+@rds would have changed the Sterling to dollars and then the dollars to Euros.  I would have been hit twice with fees!  Anyway, to get to the post office, I had to walk by several cafes and I found myself thinking I could stop and have something--generally involving bread and/or chocolate.  But I would keep going and then congratulate myself for resisting :-)  I realized today that this is a game I've been playing with myself for several weeks now and it seems to be working.  (This also gives you an idea of how low my amusement threshold is...)

Even though I'm on vacation, I'm working 4 hours tonight for one of my co-workers whose wife is poorly.  It's no big deal and it saves me 4 hours of vacation.  I managed to get a few burgers grilled for tonight and tomorrow night, in between the raindrops, too.  Plus I've almost got the car cleared out--so I can start to pack it tomorrow.  What a hassle that is!  Everytime I have to clear out the car, I vow I'm going to stay on top of things--which sometimes lasts less than a day.  My new vow is to stop beating mysef up about the junk in the car, which hopefully I'll do a better job of keeping!


  1. Woo HOO. Congrats on another pound/ 65 , thats amazing. Just had to take a minute to say hello. Sorry to hear about the brakes, but we feel your pain/ Larry had to get brakes on his Honda all around and that was about 600.00 then found out he needs new tires on his play cr to the tune of 300. each. those can wait. haha. Anyway so proud you kept walking past the bread/ chocolate place. Did want to tell you I am finally motivated thanks in many ways to your inspiration/ Im on the wagon- so thanks for that. And then there's you working 4 hours for a co-worker. That is so nice of you. You always seem to be doing many nice things for people around you and I do want to say Im so happy to know you/ Have fun on your trip. Now I need to get going and go do something around this place. Take care and Lots of love to you. Linee

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Linee! It's good to hear you're getting motivated too--glad to help :-) Keep me posted!
