Wednesday, 27 June 2012

27 June 2012

My Betty's class was awesome!  And I must be making progress--in spite of being on another plateau at the moment--because I made it the whole way through the class without giving up.  I've been having to give the last thing a miss in a couple of classes because I was too tired.  I'm still tired but I finished everything.  Yippee!

Today we made Chicken Jalfrezi with Fragrant Rice, Moroccan Lamb with Couscous, Pork Pho (my personal fav, although the Chicken Jalfrezi was pretty fab) and Bombay Potatoes.  I didn't have any of the lamb because that's not on the diet, although Jeff said it was good.  I did have a bite of the potatoes, even though they're not on the diet too, so I'm not sure how I can rationalize one but not the other :-)

The Pork Pho is a Vietnamese nodle soup, although when I tried it, I didn't have any noodles.  The meat and broth are cooked together then the noodles are softened and the soup is assembled.  I'll be making more of this because it's very easy--and very easy to customize.

I asked for the low-fat diet option for lunch and they did salmon with salad leaves and green beans.  Pretty good stuff!  My next class is late-July, when I'll be taking Everyday Delicious.  I still have 4 more days off, so hopefully the weather won't go to pot!


  1. That all sounds awesome!

    1. David, It was all great--especially the soup! And the wonderful thing about the soup is that if I just fill the bowl up with veggies (no noodles), it's diet-friendly.
