Monday, 12 November 2012

12 November 2012

Still 89 lbs.  I think I've lost all the easy lbs; it's going to be a tough slog to the end, although I am getting smaller.  I'm in size 20 jeans now--which is pretty good considering I was in 28s or 30s at the start.  Even a couple pair of the 20s are too big, too.  Woo Hoo!!  One of my friends is back in the States right now and she's picking me up 2 pair of 20s and 2 pair of 18s since she shops at Avenue anyway; she's tall.

The Rye Guy Fawkes Bonfire and Parade was this past Saturday.  It was good!  I used to think it was a long walk from the Mermaid to the far end of the High Street but I walked it several times on Saturday.  I was impressed!

I'm much less impressed with work.  I  hate the schedule and I'm starting to hate the job.  I am learning things though...  I've learned that there is no one in the building--and maybe on the base--whose comfort level is less important than mine.  I've learned that embarassment and public humiliation and ridicule are viable training techniques.  I've learned that I'm generally wrong.  But I don't seem to be able to learn to keep my mouth shut--so the embarassment and ridicule will continue.  I'm also starting to wonder if I really want to be a member of this good ole boy club?

Friday, 9 November 2012

08 November 2012

89 lbs!  Woo Hoo!!  I'm down another size in jeans.  I think my next 'clothes project' will be to go thru all the T-shirts and get rid of those that don't fit--and/or look too ratty to keep.

I drove down to Slough yesterday to visit my niece who is back on a business trip.  She took a picture of me:

 After much faffing around (mostly because I can't find the before picture), I finally managed to get the before picture on the same page:
Amazingly, I'm starting to see the progress!

04 November 2012

88 lbs!  Woo Hoo!  Now if I could just get some propane delivered life would be good...  On 26 October, I checked the propane tanks for my place and the neighbor's; I was at ~25% and they had a bit more.  So I sent the landlady an e-mail--and heard nothing.  On 29 October, I started checking to see if the propane had been delivered.  No joy.  So on 1 November, I forwarded the first e-mail and asked what was up and started calling.  I finally contacted the landlady late; they had been out of town and hadn't been checking e-mail (Really?!) but she said she'd left a message on the propane company's answer phone.  Still no joy although I now have a small space heater.  It's OK in my bedroom--but perishingly cold every where else.

On Halloween, after work I drove down to Bolsover Castle for a ghost walk.  It was a cold, wet night but it was still a lot of fun.  The walk was from 8-9:30, so it was quite dark when I arrived; I didn't really get a look at the castle.  All I can say for sure is that it's big.  Bolsover Castle is supposed to be one of the Midlands; I didn't see any ghosts but it was still fun.  The guys doing the walk had lots of stories.  There has been something on the site since the 12th century--and not everything that has happened there has been happy.  There is a woman in Victorian dress whose been seen in one of the rooms, a young servant girl who got pregnant out-of-wedlock and had the baby--which may or may not have been still-born--and then threw the body in the oven and a young boy who only appears to children in the garden.  Lots of good stories and not too cheesy.

Then on Saturday, we headed off to see Peveril Castle in the Peak District National Park.  The pictures are from there.  Just outside the visitor's center is a scale model of how the castle would have looked in the 12th or 13th century.

The next 3 shots are from the castle ridge, overlooking the village of Castleton.  It was a great day for pictures!

 The remains of the gatehouse.

The keep, with an anachronistic jet just above it :-)

Another couple of views from the heights, the first one looking towards the carpark.

The remains of the medieval walls.
Inside the keep.

The main entry.
 Another view of the main entry.  You can see how the walls were constructed, with the good, 'dressed' stone on the outside and a rubble 'core'.

Medieval garderobe (latrine).

The keep.

Cool pub sign.

The place where we had lunch.

The 'executioner' at the Bolsover Castle Guy Fawkes celebration.  Once again, it was too dark to get a look at the castle.

Roving 'mischief makers'.  I never did get a shot at their faces!

The only one of my fireworks shots that turned out :-)

English Heritage did a great job with the fireworks!